Builds cloud platforms | Rides bikes | Plays guitar | Enjoys coffee and beer
Use your GoPro camera as Webcam in Microsoft Teams for Mac
With the GoPro Webcam app, you can use recent GoPro cameras as a webcam. However, recent updates of Microsoft Teams have broken that functionality on MacOS. This blog shows how to fix it (until Microsoft fixes it properly).
Juggling multiple Git accounts
This blog post explains how you can have multiple Github/Bitbucket accounts and get connectivity over SSH to work properly.
Managing Terraform Versions Like a Pro
Sometimes you just need different versions of Terraform for different things. This blog explains how to make it easy.
Breaking out of GOPATH with Go Modules
If the one thing that annoyed you about Golang was being forced to use the GOPATH, Golang 1.11 will make you happy.
Github From Your Terminal
After you’ve trained Git to be awesome, let’s integrate Github into that workflow.
My favorite Git tricks to make life easier
Git sometimes is a confusing beast, but it can be awesome if you train it well
Situation-specific shell config - the final 10%
This blog describes a simple way to manage the small differences in shell config between machines/projects and how to effectively deal with them.
Dotfile magic: terminal multiplexers and SSH Agents
Making GNU screen and tmux work properly with your SSH Agent socket using a few lines of config and some shell magic.
Using Slack in your terminal with WeeChat
This blog explains why I decided to use WeeChat for Slack, and how to do it.